Dans le cadre de la prochaine saison culturelle France-Brésil, organisée par l’Institut Français pour 2025, Lyon BD va recevoir en juin une délégation brésilienne de la Bienal de Cómics Curitiba.
C’est l’occasion pour les deux festivals de commencer à imaginer de nouveaux projets BD pour 2025 !
Gilmar Kaminski is a cultural producer graduated in Technology in Cultural Production, in 2017 (UFPR), with a participation in an exchange program with the theater course from Minho University (Portugal). In 2016, launched Flutua Produções, where he develops projects in several artistic languages, with focus in theater, comics, music and cultural patrimony. Since 2019, acts as coordinator of Bienal de Quadrinhos de Curitiba, one of the biggest events dedicated to comics in Brazil, developing projects within Brazil and abroad, through Programa Brasil em Quadrinhos (a partnership with Ministério das Relações Exteriores). Kaminski also works as production director of Súbita Companhia de Teatro.
Mitie Taketani coordinates Itiban Comic Shop (1989), specialist in comics. Since 2016, is part of the team responsible for the curation of Bienal de Quadrinhos de Curitiba and, alongside comic artist João Pinheiro, was curator for RAGU 9 Magazine (CEPE Editora), which ran for the best independent publication award of the Angoulême Festival.
Greice Barros is a producer, miltiarea cultural manager and actress. Acts as articular for ideas and creations in scenic arts, music, comics, formation, originary and popular cultures for more than 20 years. Graduated in Performing Arts from FAP/UNESPAR, specialist in Cultural Policies from FLACSO Faculdade Latino Americana de Ciências Sociais and IberCultura Viva program. Founder of Núcleo Produções Cultura e Desenvolvimento, from where idealize and produces the largest parts of her projects since 2006. Is one of the coordinators for Bienal de Quadrinhos de Curitiba since 2014, where also produces actions from Programa Brasil em Quadrinhos by Ministério das Relações Exteriores and Itamaraty, in the internalization and promotion of brazilian comics. Acts as present culture counselor for Curitiba and is present in initiatives, movements and collectives for the cultural policies.
Márcio Paixão Jr. has a PhD in Art and Visual Culture (UFG) and a Master in Communication (UnB). He is the author of COMICZZZT!: Rock e Quadrinhos and lead singer of the band Mechanics – who, alongside Fabio Zimbres, made the album/comic Music for Anthropomorfics, with editions in Brazil, Portugal and Colombia. In 2018, he founded MMarte publishing house. He is the writer of the graphic novel Cidade de Sangue (2018), drawn by Julio Shimamoto – also author of the anthology O Ditador Frankenstein (2019). In 2019, he released the collection of political cartoons Com a Palavra. In 2021, he published CRASH 13, in partnership with Law Tissot. As an editor, he has produced more than 20 titles, including Fronteira Híbrida, by the seminal comic artist from São Paulo Luiz Gê, and Os Estranhos Hóspedes do Hotel Nicanor, by Ota and Flavio Colin. He is part of the website Raio Laser: Quadrinhos Além! In 2023, MMarte was awarded two HQMIX trophies – the most prestigious award in the comics area in Brazil, in its 35th edition. They were Editorial Project, for the book Fronteira Híbrida, by Luiz Gê; and Best Exhibition, by Shimamoto: Master of Brazilian Comics.
Luciana Falcon, graduada em Moda e Comunicação Social, desenvolve projetos nas áreas de moda, teatro, cenografia, figurino e produção cultural. É gestora cultural desde 2006 e coordenadora da Bienal de Quadrinhos de Curitiba há 10 anos. Atua na articulação da mostra internacional e, desde 2019 também coordena as ações do Programa “Brasil em Quadrinhos”, em parceria com o Ministério das Relações Exteriores do Brasil para a promoção dos quadrinhos brasileiros no exterior. Em 2012 recebeu o Troféu HQmix por Melhor evento de HQ no Brasil, em 2020 e 2021, recebeu os troféus HQmix pela montagem e circulação das exposições Angola Janga, de Marcelo D’Salete e Morro da Favela, de André Diniz. Em 2023, o Programa recebeu o Prêmio do Júri do HQMIX para Grande Contribuição ao Quadrinho Brasileiro, pela trajetória do Programa Brasil em Quadrinhos.